Friday, August 1, 2014

There are days when I feel like I'm getting 2 steps ahead and 3 back. Trying to keep up with our little home and big life is somewhat demanding.  I've been making my own laundry soap and household cleaners for years. The laundry soap recipe is just the basic....

1 part fels napth or your choice soap
1 part washing soda
1 part baking soda
MIX and use a couple scoops per load. I CHOSE  to switch the baking soda
for the Borax as a whitener as I think it's not as harsh on fabric.

I ALSO use a scoop of the soap in a bucket of HOT water to wash throw rugs in the summer. I lay them out on the lawn use the hose to saturate the rugs, put the soap mixture on the rugs....I have an old mop that I use to squash and squish the rugs using pressure. Rinse WELL  with the hose and hang to dry.
I've found it is always a great wall wash in the same amounts and way.

I've recently found and began using items from a company called Radiantly You. It's very similar to all the items that I make but don't always have the time to. It's all quality items made in the same way with the same ingredients and I've used most and like all I've used.
The prices are very affordable and in some cases the same as it cost to make. They also have the home made detergent in liquid form that I know a lot of my friends prefer. Here is a link to my site...

I make, use and sell dryer balls. WHAT in the world are those you ask?  Well these.... 
I buy only high quality Alpaca wool to wind and wind then throw them into the washer with HOT water and a TON of  good quality dish soap. As they agitate, they are felted (the fibers attach themselves to one another) then I throw them into the dryer where the felting process is finished.  There are some pictures below.
I also hand dye the wool which is of course all chemical free. That's done before I wind the balls then add a layer of color onto the balls. In large loads, using 6-8 balls cuts the dryer time around 50%!  It's works because the wool absorbs the moisture from the clothing, once the moisture is mostly gone, they then add the moisture back into the air and that's what eliminates the static cling....see YOU are learning even from me :) If you're interested in learning more or purchasing some of the dryer balls, leave me a message and I'll contact you.

Another tip that I offer is buying the wet, generic swifter floor wipes.  I  add  lemon essential oil and a bit more water then make sure that all the wipes are absorbing the liquid.  I personally use doTerra essential oils for their high quality and amazing purity and strength. The lemon adds more cleaning and offers an awesome aroma to the wipes. 

Well that's it for today but there will be a LOT more tips and rants to come on living natural and green. What more would you expect for me?? 
Have a great day and remember to Talk Like a Northerner whenever you can!