Monday, October 18, 2010

A New Beginning

Today I am 18 days out of weight loss surgery.  On Oct. 1, during a 9 hour operation I was "switched"-had the "Duodenal Switch" procedure.
It's been far from easy, in fact my dear friend Amy, who had the same surgery about 2 years ago, tried telling me just how hard it was going to be.  I'm a tough bird-have had several major operations and  endured 14 months of chemotherapy for breast cancer....nothing no NOTHING compared to this and if you ask me-YES, I'd do it again-in a few months.  But thank goodness I won't need too!!
I've lost 33 lbs. so far and LOTS of inches.  It seems like I look in the mirror and the word HEALTH blinks at me like a marquee.
I still have two large incisions on my belly which had a total of 44 staples closing it shut.  I 'm still in some pain or maybe discomfort is more like it.  I look down on my ever shrinking belly and smile hoping the best is just beginning!!

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you! You are a strong, amazing WOMAN!!! AND YES! The best is yet to come!!!
