Saturday, July 12, 2014

Well, guess who's back.....

OK really's been like 3 years since "I've talked like a northerner". I really have no excuses other than to say that LIFE HAS BEEN FULL AND GOOD!
My previous blogs were mostly about weight loss and I'm still celebrating and enjoying that thankfully but my life has blown up into many wonderful (mainly) pieces.
I think I'll concentrate on the cherished past memories and future plans that bring such an abundantly happy life to this chick.
Learning a plethora of new ways to live has been an amazing and eye opening venture for me.
As you know I had breast cancer and chemo/rad some years back. Life saving measures at the time have turned into a pain in the butt on the body. I have had no less than 3 surgical procedures to try and change or save tissue or other body part. I'm currently dealing with dental work.....actually that started about a year after all treatment was done.At any rate, it's caused me to change my entire way of living from diet to home to environmental issues. I no longer spend hours at the grocery store scouring the isles for eye catching, easy-just add one or two items and your meal is complete items. On the rare times I run to the local store it's for bottled water and coffee.
My dear and indulging sweet hubby has learned to consume and drink many home made, beyond healthy meals. You'll be surprised how this gal that used to love eating out at least twice per week has traded garden gates for restaurants and rubber boots for spendy heels.
It feels good to be back to blogger land....I have missed it. I need to go and get my compost pile turned so for now...ta ta friends :)

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