So I recently came across a fb conversation about home made laundry soap vs. Store bought. There was a gal posting that seemed very knowledgeable about the differences and even made scientific references in favor of store bought.
Of course me being me, I had to chime in and share my wealth I formation on the differences and the many benefits of home made soap. The first being that some had stated that they noticed a bad odor when using the home made soap. It been my experience that because we have hard water, when the iron content is high, I too have an odor, it's not the soap. It's a result of the two mixing. It's not consistently smelly, so I've concluded its the iron or additives put in that did not mix well with the soap.
Second, there have been, over the past several springs water pipes bursting in our area. Because we were concerned about it we stopped by and talked to the men hired to fix these issues. It's like a human anatomy we were told. Fats and bad diet contribute to the build up and sludge I. The pipes. As they age, they fill up and the results are corroded pipes.
He went on to say that the year Tide came on the market, Roto Rooter made it big. He eased my mind on this because home made laundry soap, unlike store bought, does NOT contain animal fats to clog up pipes.
I also informed the group that in 2005 when we bought our home, it came with a used washer that ran until last year 2016! In addition to normal weekly laundry that a family of four uses, 3 grands were born and cloth diapered so that added 2 or more loads of washing and extra rinsing per week. That home made detergent didn't hinder our machine's life in the least!
On another note, I accidentally ran out of our natural dish soap a few weeks back. I ran down to the basement and rummaged through our camping things and found a small regular dish soap and used it sparingly. A day or two later while drinking water from a glass washed with that detergent, I immediately noticed a perfume taste. I smelled the glass and water and sure enough it smelled like lotion or perfume. It wasn't until a few days later we realized that it was the laundry soap we used! Granted, because we use natural dish soap, it's not really necessary to rinse all that much so it could have been that I didn't rinse effectively but non the less, it was an eye opening happening.
Have any of you experienced anything crazy like this???
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