Saturday, November 13, 2010

Finding the Roots of my Evil....Happily

I'm officially 6 weeks out and 41lbs. and many inches lost.  Had a slight hic-up in that my body apparently didn't like having the internal stitches in and started rejecting them through my incision....ya gross isn't it??  So aside from them having to open the incision up in three places (that have healed quickly) I'm doing great!!  So grateful that God, my dear hubby and insurance have allowed me this surgery to lose weight and become healthy once again!!  I want to lose about 100 lbs. so I have about 60 to go.  Seems daunting but not really.
I think about the previous 25 years of my life and my weight gain.  I am one that thinks that weight gain is mostly a result of emotional issues for most people and myself  for sure.  Although my husband and life are AMAZING, life is hard.  I had a crappy childhood for the most part raised by an alcoholic dad that had mental health issues and selfish and emotionally unhealthy mom-I've come to realize that it really "is what it is".  My parents did the best that they could and although it could have been better-it also could be a LOT worse.  I was given the parents I was given by the grace of God.
For the longest time each time something bad happened in my life I'd ask "Why God", why when I had such a tough childhood and struggled for so many years to come to terms with that do I have to now deal with this.  But I answered "Why NOT me?"  Why not me instead of someone else that didn't have the strength and heart to go through this and survive.  With each situation I always come out stronger and with more wisdom to move on- with courage to conquer the next and the next ect.
So I plan on using my new found health to conquer the kick aside anything that tries to stop me.  To help make the world a little easier for a few and a lot easier for many.  I challenge each of you to do the same and give me your ideas, perhaps we can put our minds together and share our strengths to make life easier for some of Gods other children. :)
That's what talking like a Northerner is all about........


  1. So very true- we all need to think like this- WHY NOT ME and YES, it could be a LOT worse- I seldom have to look very far to find someone that is in a situation a lot worse than mine-like that old hymn goes-I have food on my table, shoes on my feet-I have a roof over my head....and I don't remember the rest of it! CHEERS- here's to a LONG LONG HEALTHY Life (so our children can make us CRAZY!!!)
    I love you

  2. You are very encouraging and "strong"! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings and beliefs! Congrats on beating breast cancer! Congrats on successful WLS! Congrats on weight loss! Congrats on getting healthy again!
