I hope you all had a GREAT Thanksgiving-we sure did!! Our two daughters and their loved ones made it great in a crazy, peaceful way.
There were no less than 30 people at our daughter Carleigh and her finance Chris's new home. It was noisy and chaotic with children running circles and adults in every corner visiting. There were older children playing games on the tv and of course my dear hubby and his assistant Ashleigh cooking away in the kitchen while I pretended to know what I was doing as we set the food out in the enormous kitchen that I'm SOOOO jealous of!!!
Carleigh bopped around visiting and making sure that everyone was introduced and knew who they were speaking to while Christopher and some of the cousins were around a fire outside or in the garage.
It was reminiscent of my younger years when we would go out to my favorite aunty and uncles home. Aunty Bobby and uncle Robert had a big farm complete with the HUGE red barn and cows that would moo and chickens that would run around clucking as if to tell us get away!! I loved (still do) the cattle ad their sweet faces and soft fur. They have eyes that to me were the kindest most gentle eyes. And the horses were sooo beautiful and we'd take turns riding them-I'd tease my younger sister who was always to afraid to get on them.
A couple of times a year we'd get a few roasts and hamburger along with a couple of frozen chickens. I never put the true facts together of where they started......:( We would sit and visit in the house during the winter holidays as Minnesota winters are too harsh to be outside until at least June. We would play board games, put puzzles together or play barbies down in the basement. I still remember the smell from the wood stove that provided the warm and cozy heat that warmed our bare toes on the warm floors.
It's with pride and sadness as well that now our children are taking over the holiday entertaining. We gave up the huge family gatherings when we down sized from a 5 bedroom home 6 years ago and retreated to our humble 2 bedroom abode. And just in time for her first get together-Carleigh, Christopher and Erin moved into their first, perfect home. They took with them the dining room table that sat in each of our dining rooms only I was never able to use the two large inserts in it as our rooms weren't large enough-it fits perfectly in their dining room with plenty of walking room to boot! Oh and she's the the third generation of Kings to use that table as her parents, aunt and uncle and grandparents used it before her. My dear husband and I are so proud of that. The chairs were added later by uncle Rory and aunty Nancy as Grandma King had to use the chairs for heating the house one sparse winter.
So life turns as it always does-to another generation. Another time for children to practice all they have learned from their elders. I guess they were watching as they played games and frolicked during those sweet and wonderful years when they were young and care free.
Happy Holidays and Cheers. Take a moment this season to talk like a Northerner :)
They had a wonderful teacher--nuff said!