Yes, I'll be 12 weeks out tomorrow and I'm 50 lbs. down. I really can't say that it' been hard-well except for the first month was fairly unpleasant-but no worse than sitting in a small room with my family....ok maybe it was not that tough but you get my drift.
And it's become painfully aware that I'll need to buy some clothes at least a couple size smaller. I'm not sure how to get my size 30 brain used to the size 20 though. I'm told that it'll slowly come to me, after all i've been big for some years. I'm going to also start taking some pants and shirts in-as clothes are sooooo stinking expensive! A lot of my back fat has disappeared so my shirts are huge as well so because I love sewing-I'll be busy!!
I also found some darling patterns online and have been making things to wear next summer and for a trip to Florida in a couple months :)
I hope this finds you all celebrating Christs birthday in a festive way. Take a moment to pause, reflect on your blessings. And as always-don't forget to talk like a northerner!!
Congrats on the 50 pounds!