Alright since I had breast cancer my onco told me that as it was hormone fed, I needed to lose the ovaries. That was fine except I had always had a fear that one or both of our girls would be baron and I'm serious here, I'd need to carry a baby for them. It obviously wasn't the case for Ashleigh, but we still had another daughter. But Lloyd my onco won out. I was to have a complete hysto. removing both ovaries and the womb in March 09. In April 09 I was home resting and I get a call from our youngest daughter-crying and calling from a gas station that was apparently the local hang out. She was expecting and due around Christmas.....if your calculating, she was about 3 weeks was a LLLOOONNNGGG nine months!
So the first week of Dec....Carleigh labored pretty much for two weeks. On Dec. 4 we trekked to the hospital and she was a trooper...only this time, I encouraged pain meds. She spend most of the 6 hours that she was in labor in and out of the tub. And she rocked, naked in a rocker. It was actually quite funny. I was also much less nervous than I was when our first daughter was in labor. I'm not sure why but it was all a very relaxed and enjoyable labor-for us, maybe not for but she was a trooper! She had sooooo much control over her pain, we were all amazed as she was NOT the kind that endured pain well!! And when it came time for pain meds. she had an epi-dural at 2:15 and Erin decided at 2:45 to make her appearance. And just three pushes later, with the Doctor barely making it there-Erin Vienna was here!! She was the most beautiful baby. No cone head, not a mark on her-only beautiful porcelain skin and a set of lungs like her mom! I never got to deliver Erin, but it was special and amazing just the same. It went to fast, I never got the chance to take pics of the actual delivery like I'd wanted, but that's alright.
Erin is the sweetest and prettiest little thing. She is an extension of me, just as our girls and Carter are. Life is so special. I know that God sent Erin to tell me that I need to take care of my own needs. That not everything is to be in my time but in his and above all that life was going to be an amazing journey for me and my family.....just look at Erin and you'll see why. <3

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