Saturday, September 25, 2010

Ya, It's never too late.....

Hmmmmm  So it's Sat. night and I'm home....and in no pain.  I have not had any procedure.
We got up at 1:00 AM to drive 4 hours to have my weight loss surgery-got there in time, 5:30 AM.  So they call me back, get me hooked up to monitors, take my final pee, she was just about to put in the I.V. when the surgeon walks in with his assistant-he sees a "rash" under my belly button and says "you have a fungal infection", yes, I get it every year when the weather changes, I tell him.  He can't operate.  And they walk out.  The nurse brings in a script and in 5 minutes we're out the door.....gone.  It seems I am NOT destined to have this damn surgery or HEALTH-the reason for the surgery.  This surgeon is sooooo full, you wait months to get into him.  I'm doomed.  I even suggested one of his colleges whom are very capable.
I take the meds. and by day 2-I can tell it's changing.  On Thursday (the day after my original date) the scheduler calls and I already have a new date-Tues. Sept. 28.  Wahooo ya, all excited!!  But this thing on my stomach is NOT going away completely.  So by Saturday, I call out the big guns-in the form of BLEACH!  Ya, fungus-bleach they go together right??  We shall see.  I have a sneaking suspicion that I'll be back here in the same spot next Saturday no discomfort, having had no surgery  UHGGG.
It's VERY disheartening to me that all these obstacles are in the way.  I know that there are reasons and for everything there is a season but I can't help but wonder why???
Well, until I post again-Here's to talking like a (bewildered) Northerner.
p.s. my surgeon said I probably got the fungus from a watch out where ya lay your towels and clothes, ewwwww


  1. Not even gonna pretend that I understand WHY things have worked out this way-I love you sooo mucho and praying that you bleach out that infection!!!

  2. You know that little "code" ya have to type in before it will post your comment? Mine was FATEDR like 'fate' dr wonder if that means something???

  3. You are in my thoughts and prayers, Ronda! I hadn't been keeping up with your blogs and didn't realize your surgery was delayed. Hang in there. I hope you are doing well.

